by Jocelyne Lopez

I refer to my paper for the 20th Natural Philosophy Alliance (College Park, MD, United States – July 2013) CERN Experiment: Are neutrinos indeed faster than light? and inform about the new development:
Mr. Norbert Lammert, President of the German Bundestag [Parliament]
Complaint about Federal Minister of Technology and Economics Affairs Dr. Philipp Rösler due to improper examination of a supervisory complaint in the context of the Freedom of Information Act and relating specifically to the refusal of the administrative body PTB to answer questions about the CERN neutrino experiment, date: 17.07.2013
Dear Bundestag-President Lammert
I hereby lodge a complaint against Dr. Philipp Rösler, Federal Minister of Technology and Economic Affairs, in the above matter.
Because of the refusal of the administrative body PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt [Federal Agency for Physics and Technology]) to answer justified technical questions on the implementation of the CERN neutrino experiment, I lodged a supervisory complaint on 03.05.2013, together with three technically qualified citizens, with the Federal Ministry of Technology and Economic Affairs, as the supervisory authority responsible for the PTB, with the request for examination of this matter and for answers to four open technical questions within the framework of the Freedom of Information Act.
The complete e-mail exchange with the responsible authorities in this matter since 31.05.2012 can be found in the Internet under the following link:
Neutrino-Experiment: Anfrage an die Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
As can be seen from this correspondence, Federal Minister Dr. Philipp Rösler has behaved, from my viewpoint, in an improper and negligent way. I first had to send a reminder before receiving, as an examination of our well-justified supervisory complaint, a 5-line e-mail, anonymous, sent from the post-point of the ministry. This completely failed to address our objections and showed not the slightest trace of a serious examination. After a renewed complaint I then received a 5-line letter from the ministry, dated 08.07.2013, in which only the results of the examination of the matter were again disclosed to the public in an improper way in only 5 words, and without any reasons given, namely that ”no undutiful behaviour of PTB” could be determined.
Furthermore, the letter contained the unacceptable statement that the Federal Ministry of Technology and Economic Affairs could ”make no contribution towards clarification of [our] technical questions”. Here I would like to draw attention to the fact that for the CERN neutrino experiment, that cost billions and was financed entirely from taxpayers‘ money, the Federal Ministry of Technology and Economic Affairs (via its subordinate administrative body PTB) was commissioned to synchronize the clocks. After the taxpayer first had to swallow, in 2011, that the published results of the first measurements had to be seen as being invalid, due to a supposed „loose plug“, the Federal Ministry of Technology and Economic Affairs now tells the taxpayers that it is unable to contribute towards clarification of technical questions. Is that supposed to be a joke? And is the taxpayer supposed to find the joke amusing?
Against this background, from my viewpoint, there would seem to be good grounds for strongly suspecting that the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs is supporting manipulation of the measurement results for a contested interpretation of the experiment.
With this, Federal Minister Philipp Rösler also ensures that the legitimate right of the general public to information in the context of the Freedom of Information Act is neither appropriate nor should be competently answered by the responsible and answerable administrative body, so that an evaluation and a non-contradictory interpretation of the measurement results by qualified scientists and interested citizens from the general public remains impossible.
In my view this behaviour is unacceptable and ought not to be tolerated in a constitutional state. The public at large has a legitimate entitlement to a non-contradictory evaluation and interpretation of an extremely expensive experiment that was fully financed from taxpayers‘ money. In this connection I would like to cite the Berlin Freedom of Information Act:
Section § 1 – The Purpose of the Act: “The purpose of this law is to promote, by way of a comprehensive right to information, direct access by the public at large to the knowledge and activities of public bodies stored in files – while ensuring at the same time that person-specific data is protected – as a means of extending existing access to information in the interests of the democratic processes of opinion-forming and the setting of objectives, and as a means of enabling control of state activities.”
I should like to draw your attention explicitly to my special desire for fulfilment of Art. 20 (3) of the German Constitution and I ask the German Bundestag, as the executive supervisory body, to instigate the reinstatement of legal conformity in that the four open technical questions be officially answered.
I would like to express my thanks in advance for a provisional reply by 19th August 2013 as to the treatment of my complaint by the Bundestag, and remain
yours sincerely,
Jocelyne Lopez
Dr. Wolfgang Engelhardt, former employee at the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching
Mr. Ekkehard Friebe, Dipl.-Ing., Senior Government Official (ret.) of the German Patent Office
Mr. Peter Rösch, OStR, Teacher of Science in the School Services of B.-W. [Baden-Württemberg]
Copies to:
Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Party in the German Bundestag – Volker Kauder –
Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Party in the German Bundestag – Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier –
Chairman of the FDP Parliamentary Party in the German Bundestag – Rainer Brüderle –
Chairman of the Parliamentary Party DIE LINKE in the German Bundestag – Dr. Gregor Gysi –
Chairpersons of the Parliamentary Party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in the German Bundestag – Renate Künast / Jürgen Trittin –
See also the paper by G.O. Mueller for the 20th Natural Philosophy Alliance (College Park, MD, United States – July 2013):
„G.O. Mueller – The German Research Project „95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)“
CERN-Experiment: Beschwerde über Bundesminister Philipp Rösler beim Deutschen Bundestag